Cryptocurrency is highly volatile, but it’s also become a major (and increasingly mainstream) investment vehicle for many people, including some of your donors and prospects. Although it might not be…..
Good financial health is essential to your nonprofit’s ability to grow and make a difference in the community. In addition to developing sound procedures for planning, reporting, and managing your organization’s…..
As a nonprofit professional, you know all about maximizing revenue for your organization. From acquiring recurring gifts to connecting with major donors to soliciting small business sponsorships, you’ve done it all……
Even though nonprofits can’t directly influence political campaigns or elections, they can drive important political change through advocacy. Whether you create and share petitions, host a voter registration drive, or spread…..
As a fundraising professional, you spend so much time managing logistics, from setting up fundraising software to securing sponsorships to arranging auction items. Do you ever stop to think about…..
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